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前陣子看到的報價是 23333 元,說真的,到處找便宜東西真的是很傷腦筋的一件事情,網路價格隨時會修改,可以點擊商品圖片查看最近特價唷!點這看雅虎購物更詳盡資訊!
現在線上購物市場很激烈,雅虎奇摩購物、goHappy購物和樂天市場都是本身比較常去逛的網路商店,不定期有優惠商品。簡單敘述一下【Pierotucci】皮洛圖馳: 義式真皮手提半公事包 托斯肯尼拉設計 義大利製造(無暇白)分享文特色Tuscanella經典設計頂級真皮,輕量耐用附內側拉鍊。鞋包錶,百貨專櫃包,款式,手提包商品。
New from the Toscanella Handbag Collection
Another winning design from Florence Italy!
Pierotucci Italian leather bags just keep getting better. This classic and elegant structured bag new to the Toscanella collection boasts two secure zipped compartments, double rolled leather handles and an attachable shoulder strap. Ideally sized to hold your ipad as well as all your other essentials.
Protective storage bag
Magnetic snap closure
Double handles
Cotton70% polyester30% lining
Metal feet
Card holder pocket
Cell phone holder pocket
Internal pocket with zip closure: 1
Key chain holder
Pen pocket 2
Open Sections/Compartments: 1
Zipped Sections/Compartments: 2
Adjustable/Removable strap, total length: 104-111
Vacchetta leather
資料來源:MOMO購物中心 - 【Pierotucci】皮洛圖馳: 義式真皮手提半公事包 托斯肯尼拉設計 義大利製造(無暇白)